Monday 26 April 2010

Still facing challenges

For every piece of good news I get there always seems to be a negative. I was always the eternal optimist. Everything will be ok. It will all work out.

So here I am back in blogland and I was expecting to share many good things with you. Then somebody went and spoiled it. Why do people think they can say whatever they want and you will just accept it. Not this time my friends. It really takes a lot to make me delete someone from my friendship list. And I do mean permanently delete.

That said it hasn't made much of a gap in my list. I have some wonderful friends who will keep my faith in humankind.

So where have I been and what have I been doing? I have been working incredibly hard. I always do but I am struggling more than usual with the increase in tasks. This is the busiest time of my year in work. I cope with it but there are a couple of extra issues which are hanging over us not least funding. Will I still have a job by September?
I hope I am still with Cruse but if I am not I have the ability to do anything so am not too worried; but I do love my job so it would be a shame.

Phil has been coming off his tranquillisers and that has been interesting and rather erratic. I have tried to get treatment for my puppy dog syndrome but I have mentioned before I think it is in my blood. Good days bad days; better days worse days. Can't be much fun for him either I know.

My degree is still stalling due to the ethical considerations. More about that later. If I ever see my dissertation in print I will eat my hat ( I don't wear one so I am safe).

My crafting is my biggest pleasure just now; providing the relaxation I need. I am also enjoying the creative aspect more than before and have even given a thought to going to art classes. If I had any spare time I would pursue that idea.

So just a brief journey through my last couple of weeks. I will get back to my daily post and thanks to everyone who has encouraged me to continue..............


  1. I just began following you yesterday and am enjoying reading your posts so much...thank you so much also for reading mind and your nice comments to me...sometimes we lose friends but many times we gain new ones...I know I did finding your blog!!!!!
