Monday 3 January 2011


Try as I might I cannot stop reflecting at this time of year. Not sure how productive it has ever been but it happens anyway.

I am back at work tomorrow and the relaxation period is over until... who knows...

I have been thinking about the people who helped me cope with 2010 and who I hope will still be around in 2011 to ease my load.

Julie my daughter works too hard just like me so we don't spend as much time together as we did but she is always looking out for me and checking that I am ok.

Sheilagh is my best friend in all the world and she is just....well I was once asked how I would like people to remember me after I have "gone" and I said I would like them to say " When I was with her I felt precious, safe and loved".....that just about describes how I feel when I am with "She" and in addition she makes me laugh. What more could you ask for from a best friend??

Elaine and Yvonne are my dearest friends and again because we are all so busy don't meet as often as we would like. I was at Elaine's last night and had the best couple of hours. She knew Phil before his accident and has gone through his changes with me and they adore each other. I am going to try and meet Yvonne this week when it will be just lovely to catch up.

My friendships are very special to me and I have made two new friends recently who have brought me fun and laughter. Sam and Celia have in their different ways made me laugh and cry in equal measures and I hope that our friendships will continue.

There are many others who have eased my 2010 path and if I made a list I could possibly omit someone important because there are many. So suffice it to say that without ANY of them I would have struggled. I hope that they realise this..........


  1. Oh boy Trish, you made me cry!!!

    I love you sweetheart, thats the plain simple truth.

    big hugs

