Friday 24 December 2010

All works out in the end

Whilst everyone has been dashing about like maniacs I have been sitting waiting for the right time.
This weather makes me lazy anyway so as long as the shops still have bread and milk (and dog meat) today all will be well.
I need to deliver some gifts but can do that Boxing Day on the way out to Gary's.

So panic was not needed.

Looking forward to tomorrow and Sunday spending time with my kids. We have a new baby boy due any minute and that would just totally make Christmas.
I am going to relax for the two days before I jump into work mode next week.

Dissertation to finish by end of the month; funding bids to produce by end of the month; timetable to devise to incorporate new additional job until March.

And 2011 is going to be just fabulous with so many "fun" times to look forward to - all planned and booked. I even have Jury duty in February to add to the mix!!!

I am blessed.............................


  1. I am so glad everything has worked out, I was really worried about you being cold and no heating.

    I hope there is great news about the new baby, that would be one wonderful Christmas present.

    Big Hugs and lots of of to everyone, especially you my darlin Bezzy xxxx


  2. You sound busy to me. Congrats on the new baby coming. I hope he is a Christmas baby. My son is and Easter Baby so that is my favorite day. Merry Christmas!!! Oh , I enjoy jury dutie. But I am kind of wierd. LOL!
