Saturday 2 January 2010

The effects of the weather

Yesterday I walked to the village and came back energised and positive. It was a beautiful day. By mid day the clouds had arrived, the rain had begun and the day changed. It made me think how easy each day can change; moods are like that too and sometimes we have as little control over them as we do over the weather. We particularly have no control over the mood of others.
I adapted my mood to cope with the change in weather yesterday and decided to do some more sitting and relaxing. I turned a negative into a positive for a change. I just kept looking out of the window and felt grateful that I was warm indoors.
So is that how easy it can be?
Today it is bright again and I am going to get the car out and go food shopping before Phil gets up. I should be back before noon so he won't even miss me.
Back to work Monday and I am going to try really hard to make each day fit well with what I need.
Wednesday I go to London with Julie for two days- so looking forward to that. We both decided yesterday that we have to make more time for each other this year. We need that fix and love being together.
So with my head full of how I need it to be I guess my moodmeter should be POSITIVE but in actual fact today I feel EXCITED for the first time in so long. I really think that I can do this .................................

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